Friday, February 02, 2007

GRRRRR!!!!! Possibly my last post

I have been looking for a new layout for my myspace and I can't find one that I love. An Eighteen Visions layout is harder to find than a 30 Seconds to Mars one. I got so frustrated that I decided to find a new layout for my blogger. And then I decided to actually update my blogger. So, I will find the perfect layout or I will make it and then say "Ha! I got my layout and you didn't!"

I HATE blogger layouts, they screw everything up and then decide to not work properly at all. I am so mad right now. Obviously, there is no new blogger layout, even though I had this great Jared Leto layout and I made some really cool 30 Seconds to Mars ones, but they decided not to work for me, so I quit. I think I quit blogger now, it just dosen't work. So, yeah I need to go find a new layout. Wish me luck. For this video, I decide to use an Eighteen Visions song from their 6th album, Obsession, called Tower of Snakes. Enjoy!

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