Thursday, August 26, 2004


Let me just start by saying that my school sucks. Big time. If by some small chance you care why my school sucks, I have got only one word... DAYCARE. No, not a daycare for the teachers, but one for the students children. Yes we have that many mothers and fathers at my school. So anyway...
I seem to have bad luck follow me around. I ended up with all the classes I wanted, but my entire schedule changed and rearranged to fit around one class. Just one. I ended up going to different classes the second day than on the first. Very confusing. It all worked out so now I just have to get used to have no best friend in class. SCHOOL SUCKS!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 14, 2004


Recently I was thinking about my fears. I know that all people have fears, but some are just stupid. If you look at a list of all the known and named you will see a fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. Now, if you are so afraid of that happening then you shouldn't eat peanut butter. I mean you have a brain, use it. Now that that part is over, lets move on shall we?

My fears may seem trivial, but I tend to stay away from the things that cause my fears. I have a few fears that are understandable, but some are weird, not in my opinion.

  • Goats: I have no idea where this started but I am terrified of these animals to the point that when my family goes to the goat section of this cute little farm/family fun place, I seperate my self from them. I will go look at the horses, prarie dogs, any other animal, but I will not go near the gaots.
  • People touching me: Now not all people cause me to start freaking out but most will. My friends laugh at me for this but I really get spooked about that.
  • Agoraphobia: This is my only fear that I know the technical name for. That is the fear of being crowded by a lot of people or wide open spaces. This results in my love of tight closed in spaces, like a corner. I have never liked to be surrounded by people or in a large empty area. I mean when I sleep, I curl up in a ball and crowed my self with stuffed animals, pillows, blankets, etc.
  • Dummies: They really scare me. They always seem to be looking right at me. I can't stand that. The DELL commercial where the dummy thing comes in and asks to see the laptop and the lady mentions wireless, well, I refuse to watch that, I may turn away or leave the room but I will not watch that commercial.

Thoes are my biggest fears. I still have a few smaller ones, but choose not to get in to them. FEARS SUCK!!!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


This entry is about one of my favorite subjects, DEATH. I don't mean like killing people or anything but just the concept and irony of death itself. I never will understand why we are alive only to die in the end I mean whats the point? If you knew you would fail at something why would you even try?
This may seem morbid but I don't really care. I have always been fascinated by death and how it happens. Every one has a favorite subject and mine is death. If you want to you can accept that and return or you can say that is awful and never return. Like I said before, I really don't care.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Too Early

It is too early. I am never awake at this time. Ever, unless I am at school. But that is beside the point.

A good friend of my mom's wrote something interseting in his journal. He said that said that the sun makes you happy and that you body makes you happier at 9AM and less happy at 9PM. Well I think I am the exact opposite. I tend to get more energetic around sundown, and tired and cranky around the time I am supposed to wake up. Now the tired thing could be the fact that I wake up before 6AM, but lets not worry about that right now.

The only reason I am writing this now is because I have nothing else to do. My parents are still asleep, my brother and sister are still asleep, I would call my friends but they sleep until like 1 or 2 and even if they were awake I wouldnt call at the risk of waking their parents up. Now I wouldnt be this bored if there were anything on t.v. or even the radio, but there is nothing going on in the world right now. It sucks.

Monday, August 09, 2004

A Poem

I said in my last entry that this journal will be about whatever I feel like. This time I decided to enter a poem that was given to me by one of my best friends.

~*A Friend*~
You're My friend,
my companion,
through good times and bad
my friend,
my buddy,
through happy and sad,
beside me you stand,
beside me you walk,
you're there to listen,
you're there to talk,
with happiness,
with smiles,
with pain and tears,
I know you'll be there throughout the years!
You are a good friend to me and I am greatful to you.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

This is me

Hello. You may not like what I have to say, but I'm going to say it any way. I am in highschool and you may think my opinoin dosen't matter. If this is what you think, then I suggest you leave now. This journal will be about my life, myself, and whatever else I feel like talking about.

I love to read other people's journals on the internet. Someone I know told me that since I read everyone's journal, I should start one too. That person always gives me good advice so I am starting one. You can leave and never return for all I care, but if you do decide to keep reading about me then thanks.