I hope you all had a wonderful day! Dead birds for dinner, dealing with family, and in some cases Christmas music. Well, my day was nice so yeah, whatever.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
I appologize for my neglect of this blog. I have not actually neglected you yet, but I have a feeling that I will begin to very soon. I have created a MySpace and will be using that to keep in touch with certain people that I haven't seen in a while. They don't have a blogger so I had to find new ways of keeping in touch with them. If you want to bisit me and see what I am reall about, then you can click here to see my new MySpace. If you are really interested in what I like to watch on YouTube then you can click here to see my collection of movies. I will try not to abandon you, but I can't make any promises. Thank you for understanding.
Here is a video of Jared Leto talking about his Blackberry:
And by the way, I do realize that only like 6 people have ever read my blog so it really dosen't matter if I neglect you or not.
Here is a video of Jared Leto talking about his Blackberry:
And by the way, I do realize that only like 6 people have ever read my blog so it really dosen't matter if I neglect you or not.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
School Functions
Ok, so do you remember this post? I said that I went to a soccer game, but that I would probably never go to another school fuction. Well, I kinda lied. I have been the Boy's Varsity Soccer Manager for two years now. That means that I have been to almost every game in the past two seasons. Yeah I know. I have also been to almost every practice this season. Yet again, I know. It gets worse. I was a Varsity Soccer Player on the girl's team last year and will be again this year. I am also on the, gulp, homecoming court this year. That means that I was nominated for Homecoming Queen by some one. Why? I don't know. I will no longer be able to make fun of the losers in the pep rally. I am one of the losers in the pep rally. WHY? WHY? WHY?
For thoes that do remember that post, the friend of mine that was on the team no longer even goes to my school. So he is not even close to the reason that I am a manager. And pictures of me in my homecoming dress will not be posted in this blog. And to any friends of a Miss Groovy Noodles, she is doing fine and so is Lili. She is doing much better and has been able to leave the hospital. Hopefully she will be completely better very soon.
I will try to include a vidoe from my ever expanding youtube collection in each entry so here is one of my favorite Jared Leto clips:
For thoes that do remember that post, the friend of mine that was on the team no longer even goes to my school. So he is not even close to the reason that I am a manager. And pictures of me in my homecoming dress will not be posted in this blog. And to any friends of a Miss Groovy Noodles, she is doing fine and so is Lili. She is doing much better and has been able to leave the hospital. Hopefully she will be completely better very soon.
I will try to include a vidoe from my ever expanding youtube collection in each entry so here is one of my favorite Jared Leto clips:
Friday, September 22, 2006
I am sooooo angry. 30 Seconds to Mars is going on a $2 MTV tour in a few days. The closest they come to me is a 5 hour drive. And that concert isnt even $2 it is like $100 per ticket!!!! I have one friend who is willing to drive for five freeking hours and go to the concert with me, in fact it was her idea to go in the first place, but since it is on a Tuesday, we cant go. The next best thing is for me to watch them in the blueroom tomorrow from like five in the afternoon until midnight. Yeah they will be there. I am soooooo angry.
As a side note, I would just like to say that Hinder will be coming back in two months for the THIRD time this year and tickets are only $16.50. And my youtube account has six pages of videos favorited. That provides me with a total of 54 videos that I watch a lot. 6 of them are of these two idiots and their vlog, 14 are VeggieTales Silly Songs With Larry, and one is Edward Norton and Brad Pitt singing. the other 33 are either 30 Seconds to Mars or Jared Leto. And 13 of those 33 are saved on my computer thanks to iTunes podcasts. Ilove youtube. By the way, I have a 30 Seconds to Mars hoodie and I am in the process of making a shirt to go with the hoodie, it will be awesome.
As a side note, I would just like to say that Hinder will be coming back in two months for the THIRD time this year and tickets are only $16.50. And my youtube account has six pages of videos favorited. That provides me with a total of 54 videos that I watch a lot. 6 of them are of these two idiots and their vlog, 14 are VeggieTales Silly Songs With Larry, and one is Edward Norton and Brad Pitt singing. the other 33 are either 30 Seconds to Mars or Jared Leto. And 13 of those 33 are saved on my computer thanks to iTunes podcasts. Ilove youtube. By the way, I have a 30 Seconds to Mars hoodie and I am in the process of making a shirt to go with the hoodie, it will be awesome.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Monday, August 21, 2006
Count Chocula's biography
Ernst Choukula was born the third child to Estonian landowers in the late autumn of 1873. His parents, Ivan and Brushken Choukula, were well-established traders of Baltic grain who-- by the early twentieth century--had established a monopolistic hold on the export markets of Lithuania, Latvia and southern Finland. A clever child, Ernst advanced quickly through secondary schooling and, at the age of nineteen, was managing one of six Talinn-area farms, along with his father, and older brother, Grinsh. By twenty-four, he appeared in his first "barrelled cereal" endorsement, as the Choukula family debuted "Ernst Choukula's Golden Wheat Muesli", a packaged mix that was intended for horses, mules, and the hospital ridden. Belarussian immigrant silo-tenders started cutting the product with vodka, creating a crude mush-paste they called "gruhll" or "gruell," and would eat the concoction each morning before work. The trend unwittingly spread, with alcohol being replaced by sheep--and then cow's--milk, and the demand for the Choukula's "cereal" reached as far south as Poland and as far west as the northern Jutland province of Denmark. It wasn't long before the unmistakable image (the original packaging, a three gallon wooden vat which featured a burnt etching of a jubilant, overalled Ernst holding a large dog and grinning broadly) made a pop-cultural splash throughout the entirety of Europe and northern Africa. In fact, Tunisia's "Carthagian Sand Crunch" was seen as the first imitation of the Choukula form; the aforementioned product was presented in broad leathern bags with the woven insignia of a nude tribesman holding a sword and a bunched stalk of oats. Sadly, this would neither be the first nor the tamest appropriation of Ernst's iconic visage. Meanwhile, in the "textile paradise"-region of Schenectady / Elmira New York, General Peter Mills--a celebrated turret gunner in McKinley's navy--was first beginning to mine America's seemingly insatiable desire to consume food before high noon. The trend, initially known in the United States as "brekkfest" had first appeared in 1903, with Dominic Eggo's invention of "wassled" or "waffled" bread, and really picked up steam throughout the teens and twenties, when eating in the morning was no longer deemed a sin by the Anglo-Catholic church. News of Choukula's economic domination across the Atlantic fascinated and troubled Mills, who was eager for similar success. In 1927, while vacationing the Iberian peninsula, he first encountered three discarded barrels of "Duke Choukula's Animal Supplement" (the name and design of the product had undergone several makeovers throughout the previous seven years, the most recent of which featured Ernst dressed in a cape and tiara, reflecting his family's oft-disputed ties to Eurasian royalty). Immediately intrigued, Mills brought one with him on his boat ride back to the States, and spent the twenty-three day trip obsessively studying the packaging. In the spring of 1929, General Mills' "Prince Chocula's Morning Digestive" was picked up for distribution in three dozen pharmacies, grocery stands and agrarian carts throughout New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and northern Maryland. The public response was confused and angered at the recipe's savory, clove-like sting; apparently a confusion over the name led many to believe the breakfast was made from chocolate, and by 1931 the formula had been updated to reflect the nation's collective sweet tooth. In 1932, boxes were labeled simply "Count Chocula's Chocolate Food" and Peter Mills was named Life Magazine's "Humanitarian of the Year, 1933". Ernst Chocula died in a Ukrainian cabin, penniless and alone, having descended into a type of brain-madness.
~~This biography was not infact written by me. My uncle found it and had to show it to me. It has since been removed from the wikipedia page, but I felt that people should know this. So thank you to whomever wrote this biography and I hope to keep it alive.
~~This biography was not infact written by me. My uncle found it and had to show it to me. It has since been removed from the wikipedia page, but I felt that people should know this. So thank you to whomever wrote this biography and I hope to keep it alive.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
30 Seconds to Mars nominated for ANOTHER VMA!!!!!
"This is a song called 'The Kill,' but don't be afraid...
it's a nice song...
about losing you mind."
~Jared Leto
it's a nice song...
about losing you mind."
~Jared Leto
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Sunday, June 11, 2006
The Greatest Flipping Day of My Entire Life!!!
Yesterday was the BEST DAY EVER!!! Ok, so it started kinda sucky, but around 12:45 maybe even 1 o'clock, it got totally awesome. I went to RockFest '06. It was a twelve hour festival of great music. I missed the first band because of the darn ACT test, which I don't think I did too bad on. But, I heard 3/4 of the second band. The line up was awesome. They had two stages and fifteen bands. The first band was Halestorm. I missed them. Next was Federation of Horsepower, they are a local band that is trying to get discovered, and they have moved up. Usually they are the first band to play. Third was Evans Blue. They rock so hard. Next was Revelation Theory. They are so good. Fourth was Trapt. They have a few good songs and they played all of them. Nonpoint was inspiring except that for some reason, they began their show with The Final Countdown by Europe. I mean what were they thinking????? So anyway, the seventh band was Shadow's Fall. They were great. Next was Black Stone Cherry. So awesome and all of the members of the band are under 23. So then it was the original lineup of Candlebox. They were great and old, but amazing. Then Hurt. I heard them everywhere at this place it was so loud. Three Days Grace was amazing and wonderful and great. Twelfth was my FAVORITE band of the entire show. Hinder. They were the best and so great and so much fun and perfect and wonderful and the best and amazing and everything. Next was Shinedown. I knew all of their songs and it was spectacular. The headliner of the second stage was Buckcherry. That was the most interesting part of the show. They rocked and sang and jumped and screamed and were awesome. The headliner of the whole show was Staind. They were the loudest and most breathtaking band there. It was the greatest concert ever.
I got rained on during the last band, saw five people I knew, three of whom graduated, one that I haven't seen in years, and the other one I will see in August. I got a Hinder shirt and a RockFest shirt. The Hinder on is my favorite. I had some guy fall on me while he was crowd surfing, I had smoke blown in my face all day, I got a beer poured on my legs, I got to see Hinder, it was perfect. There were 30,000 people there and about 9,000 looked like one of my friends, but just slightly different. One guy looked like a combination of Ronnie James Dio and Jesse James Dupree, the lead singers of Dio and Jackyl respectively. If you don't know who Dio and Jackyl are, get out of my blog. Now. I am not kidding. You are not allowed to come back until you learn who Dio and Jackyl are. I mean it. And I think I saw my future husband. Not Jared Leto, this guy I might actually have a chance with. He was gothic, with blond hair, in pigtails, and he was wearing a floor length skirt. I saw him like 30 times or something insane like that. He was not attractive at all, but I think I fell in love. And he was the first person that I saw after dark and he was wearing all black. I saw tons of cute guys and managed to get hit on by only two old guys. I was told to drive safely by two drunk guys after the show but they were kinda sexy so it was ok. I left smelling like stale cigarettes, beer, rain, mud, THC (people around me especially during the Hinder song "Go Home and Get Stoned"), sweat, spit, and port-a-potties. I smelled like a concert. My goal for every concert is to leave smelling like beer, puke, urine, cigarettes, sweat, and a few other substances depending on the area of the concert and who is playing. I loved yesterday and will be wearing my Hinder shirt every chance I get. It rocks because it is a shirt with Hinder on it. Hinder on a shirt. Something I can wear that says Hinder. A piece of Hinder merchandise. Hinder on an article of my clothing. HINDER!!! Yay!
The only thing left for me to do is see a 30 Seconds to Mars concert. That will be the one thing that will make my life complete. Then I can die a happy person. Yay!!!!!
I got rained on during the last band, saw five people I knew, three of whom graduated, one that I haven't seen in years, and the other one I will see in August. I got a Hinder shirt and a RockFest shirt. The Hinder on is my favorite. I had some guy fall on me while he was crowd surfing, I had smoke blown in my face all day, I got a beer poured on my legs, I got to see Hinder, it was perfect. There were 30,000 people there and about 9,000 looked like one of my friends, but just slightly different. One guy looked like a combination of Ronnie James Dio and Jesse James Dupree, the lead singers of Dio and Jackyl respectively. If you don't know who Dio and Jackyl are, get out of my blog. Now. I am not kidding. You are not allowed to come back until you learn who Dio and Jackyl are. I mean it. And I think I saw my future husband. Not Jared Leto, this guy I might actually have a chance with. He was gothic, with blond hair, in pigtails, and he was wearing a floor length skirt. I saw him like 30 times or something insane like that. He was not attractive at all, but I think I fell in love. And he was the first person that I saw after dark and he was wearing all black. I saw tons of cute guys and managed to get hit on by only two old guys. I was told to drive safely by two drunk guys after the show but they were kinda sexy so it was ok. I left smelling like stale cigarettes, beer, rain, mud, THC (people around me especially during the Hinder song "Go Home and Get Stoned"), sweat, spit, and port-a-potties. I smelled like a concert. My goal for every concert is to leave smelling like beer, puke, urine, cigarettes, sweat, and a few other substances depending on the area of the concert and who is playing. I loved yesterday and will be wearing my Hinder shirt every chance I get. It rocks because it is a shirt with Hinder on it. Hinder on a shirt. Something I can wear that says Hinder. A piece of Hinder merchandise. Hinder on an article of my clothing. HINDER!!! Yay!
The only thing left for me to do is see a 30 Seconds to Mars concert. That will be the one thing that will make my life complete. Then I can die a happy person. Yay!!!!!
Friday, June 02, 2006
I admit it...
I am obsessed. I do have a problem, but if anyone tries to help me get over it, they will be hurt. Severly. I now realize that I am obsessed with Jared Leto and his band 30 Seconds to Mars. They are awesome and, unlike other actors-who-want-to-be-musicians, he can really sing. In case you haven't noticed, the last few entries I have made are promoting 30 Seconds to Mars. My new wallpaper on my desktop is a collage of 20 Jared Leto pictures. I have both albums and I have made a list of all the movies he has been in and they are priced to where they are the cheapest, Wal-Mart and Best Buy. He has two movies coming out, one he plays serial killer Raymond Martinez Fernandez and the toher he plays John Lennon's killer Mark David Chapman. For the latter role, he gained 67 pounds, but he is still sexy, by melting chocolate Haagen-Dazs ice cream and mixing it with olive oil and soy sauce before drinking it. He has lost all but 12 of the pounds and releases a music video for their new single The Kill and he is looking sexier than ever. Now leave me and my obsession alone.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
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